You are invited to meet...
Nancy Tan,
Certified Yoga Instructor & psychotherapist
Saturday, August 2, 2008
1:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Taoist Temple Gift Shop & Museum
No. 12 China Alley, Hanford
(1/2 blk north of East 7th Street between Green and White Streets)
- Books available for purchase
- Book signing by the author
- CD Yoga Nidra available for purchase
QUIET MIND, HEALTHY BODY: THE ART OF LOW-STRESS LIVING offers simple but effective remedies for stress relief and strategies for stress prevention. With a holistic approach, the book addresses stress in the physical, mental, emotional and relational realms. The author presents complex concepts in simple language and a compassionate voice. The reader will come away with a good understanding of the dynamics of stress, effective tools for stress relief, a blue print for stress prevention, and a positive and hopeful outlook.
The Taoist Temple Gift Shop & Museum will be open from Noon-6 p.m., Saturday, August 2nd.
Tours are available.
Questions??? Please call 582-4508
Portions of the book sales will be donated to the Taoist Temple Museum.